An Effort Unappreciated

Today I sit amidst the roses in my garden.
Planted once with utmost love , care and patience, as directed by my mother.
Waiting eagerly for rarely buds.
They are grown to the fullest.
They bloom and so do I.
Today I sit amidst the roses in my garden.
Planted once with grace, a will so strong, a cause so kind, as told by my mother.
I count each day, each month spent in wait of what could have come or not.
I still count each day, each month , each year in wait of what may come or not.

I count probabilities.

I count consequences if it doesn’t.

I count if it does.

Roses were kind and generous.

They bloomed out of my hope and desire.

But I am not sure if my wait goes unappreciated.

The wait of what may come or what may not.

#roses #love #kind #poetry #poems #matters#mad #sunday #writers #word

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